The SGCAM 8.5.300.XX.10 STABLE_V9



Updates: What's new!

- Added support for storing and loading all file formats, with the exception of SD card photo storage. This feature can be found in the advanced options settings.
- Added names for the front and rear aux buttons separately, as well as zoom levels and visibility. To enable auto lens detection for the front camera, enable "camera.advance_lens_detector_front" in the developer options. In order to prevent an unexpected crash of a few devices, I disabled it by default.
- Updated shortcut to *INDIVIDUAL* lens profiles (front and rear). You can access the *Individual* Settings of the Lens item (for both front and rear) by *Pressing and Holding* AUX.
- Adding NM Values and uploading custom noise models for each unique AUX. Upon loading the Custom Noise model, choosing it, and restarting the application, you

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